Baldwin Avenue Bridge over Passaic & Harimus Branch
Public Information Center
Event Details
The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT), committed to developing transportation improvements that best balance transportation needs, the environment, community concerns and costs, will hold a Virtual Public Information Center (PIC) December 2nd - 12th to provide local residents, public officials, and the business community with information on the Baldwin Avenue Bridge over Passaic & Harimus Branch project. You are encouraged to actively participate by providing comments by mail or e-mail.
You will have an opportunity to review a presentation, exhibits of the draft plans, submit questions, and leave feedback. Property owners with rental units are advised that tenants are also invited and encouraged to participate.
Meeting Materials
Additional Details
The purpose of the project is to replace the existing bridge to improve the condition of the structure. The bridge is located at mile point 0.82 on Baldwin Avenue. It is a three-span structure with two riveted steel through girder-floor beam spans with a reinforced concrete deck, and one reinforced concrete T-beam span. The bridge underwent repairs in 1990 and most recently, emergency work was performed after the June 27, 2024 train impact.
The Preliminary Preferred Alternative (PPA) for the project includes the following:
- The bridge, which is in poor condition, will be replaced with a two span structure removing the pier between the PATH siding tracks and mainline PATH tracks
- The new bridge will accommodate two 12-foot through lanes (one northbound and one southbound), 4-foot outer shoulders, 2-foot painted buffers, and an 8-foot, shared use path in both directions.
- A proposed bridge pier will be located behind the existing bin abutment at Pier 2 and be designed for AREMA (American Railway Engineering and Maintenance Right-of-Way Association) requirements.
- Aerial public utilities and water main will be relocated.